Experts In Your Home Blog
Tips for Using a Programmable Thermostat for Your Heating System
Less than 10 years ago, you probably couldn't imagine leaving the house without your cell phone, lap...
How to Prioritize Tasks After a Home & Heating System Energy Audit
When you undergo a heating system energy audit, you embrace one reality for certain: You are going t...
Home Energy Self-Audit: Does Your Heating System Make the Grade?
Tests in school might have made you nervous, but it's time for a new perspective. If you're determin...
Want to Reduce Your Heating System Bill? Try a Home Energy Audit
If you're wearing a sweater around the house, it may be time to make a phone call. If you're doublin...
When Should You Do Maintentance on Your Heating System?
It's a question on the minds of a lot of people at this time of year: What type of furnace maintenan...
Energy Upgrades a Heating System Service Can Provide
If you're like most people, you buy a furnace because you absolutely need one – not because you're c...
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Troubleshooting Tips Before Calling a Heating Repair Service
Do you need help troubleshooting a furnace that isn't turning on, isn't warming your home or is othe...
Tips from a Local Electrician: Pros and Cons of Solar Electricity
Thomas Edison is a revered historical figure and so is Charles Fritts and Robert Millikan. Who are t...
Tips from a Local Electrician: How to Save on Your Summer Energy Bill
If you're in the habit of opening your electric bill with one eye, then you'll enjoy the eye-opening...
10 Ways to Give Your Air Conditioner a Break
When the temperature rises during the hot summer months you always rush inside into the air conditio...