When you undergo a heating system energy audit, you embrace one reality for certain: You are going to learn where heat is literally going out the window – or through your attic, doors or duct work. This is a good thing, for how else can you put an end to wasted energy and begin saving money every month on your energy bill?
The challenge most homeowners face is figuring out how to prioritize what is usually a list of home improvement projects after the heating system energy audit is completed. After all, money doesn't grow on trees – though it would be sweet if it grew in the attic, since this is a trouble spot in most homes.
When you call a heating system service company to do an energy audit, it should be committed to helping customers make their homes more energy efficient. So when the U.S. Department of Energy says that a heating system energy audit can lead homeowners to save as much as 30 percent a year on their energy bill, the company should do its best to make it happen.
Heed the Rule of “Dollars and Sense”
Once you receive the list of areas that need improvement, it’s time to prioritize the tasks on the audit list. Here are some ways a heating system service company can help.
- Encourage you to be realistic about your home improvement skills – as well as your comfort level and limitations. Anyone can learn how to install a door wrap with a blow dryer and a pair of scissors. But for you, this task may be a far cry from the prospect of climbing a ladder, squeezing into a tight space and installing insulation in the attic or garage. Being honest with yourself about your skills is a pivotal first step in prioritizing your heating system energy audit.
- Help you assign a credible dollar estimate to every task on the list. You don’t want any surprises. Request the heating system company to err on the high side of estimates to reduce the sticker shock factor.
- Assign an “urgency rating” to each task on the audit list. This is where a company can help you frame the tasks in terms of “dollars and sense.” For example, plugging gaps in duct work might seem like a major job you'd rather postpone. But if 25 percent of the heat you're paying for is seeping through your ducts, elevating this repair job to the top of the list might be the smartest move. This task might cost dollars, but it makes good sense.
- Factor in how long you wish to stay in your home. This is never an easy issue to navigate, but can help you compute whether repairing a problematic roof this year is worth the expense if you're planning to put your home up for sale next year.
- Explor energy tax credits offered by the department of energy. Replacing windows – usually a costly undertaking – can be more tenable if you're guaranteed a quick return on your investment.
If you're ready to prioritize the home improvement tasks to make your home more energy efficient, contact a Chico heating system service company like Experts In Your Home. From start to finish, we'll help you realize the potential of your heating system energy audit – and stop watching your hard-earned dollars go right out the window.