Troubleshooting Tips Before Calling a Heating Repair Service

By Home Services Expert

heating repair service troubleshootingDo you need help troubleshooting a furnace that isn't turning on, isn't warming your home or is otherwise “acting funny?” If you encounter something that unsettles you or you just don't feel confident about proceeding down a troubleshooting list, don't hesitate to contact a heating repair service. Otherwise, there are some tips you can try first.

Aside from replacing the filter, most people have limited contact with their furnaces. Just seeing the blue pilot light or hearing the gentle rumble of the furnace's sturdy exterior can be enough to set people on edge.

The importance of the filter

But first, let's briefly double-back to the matter of the filter because we don't want to see you make a call for a heating repair service when you can address this issue on your own. Like the filter in your car, a furnace filter is designed to trap dirt and debris so that the motor runs efficiently. Conversely, a motor that works harder because of a dirty filter consumes more energy, which means that it costs you more money to run. In the worst case, a dirty furnace filter can restrict air flow and even cause a furnace to shut down. So check your furnace filter every month during “high” season even though you might have to replace it only every other month or so.

A clean filter – along with an annual maintenance and cleaning check will go a long way toward ensuring that your furnace works as it should this winter. But if a problem does surface, and you feel confident enough, grab your furnace's owner manual and a flashlight and take the “path of least resistance” approach to troubleshooting your furnace.

Before calling for a heating repair service:

  • Go room to room in your home and check the heat registers. They should be free and clear of furniture and other objects, including drapes.
  • Check that your thermostat is actually set to “heat.” (You might be surprised by how many people place a call for a heating reapir service because they erroneously believe that their furnace is turned on). While there, pop open the thermostat and remove any dust with a gust of air. Dust buildup can block the signal to the furnace.
  • Turn up the temperature a few degrees to see if the furnace turns on – the reason being that the furnace might not be reading the temperature in the room correctly.
  • Ensure that the socket switch utility – located on the furnace, inside a gray box – is turned on.
  • Check the pilot light on the furnace. If it isn't on, relight it. While you're there, take note of the color of the flame. It should be a bright, light blue. If the flame is yellow, the burners are dirty -- a cleaning job that requires a call for heating repair service is in order.
  • Look for flakes of rust on the floor around the furnace. On their way down, some flakes may have fallen on the burners, thereby interfering with the gas flow. This is another danger sign that should prompt you to call a heating repair service.
  • Check the fuse the furnace runs on. Flip the switch, if necessary.

If your furnace fails to churn out warm air after you go through these troubleshooting steps, it's time to contact Experts In Your Home. Offering furnace service in Chico, Paradise, Oroville and surrounding areas, we are experts in your home.

To learn more ways Experts In Your Home can help in your home, download the free offer below.


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