Experts In Your Home Blog
Tips from a Local Electrician: Pros & Cons of Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Scientists are trained at an early age to understand that their discoveries and inventions are merel...
Pros & Cons of Doing Your Own Electrical Repair
Doing electrical repair is a source of pride for many people. They love not having to call a local e...
8 Basic Electrical Safety Tips Every Homeowner Should Know
My father is a master electrician. That doesn’t really mean much on the surface, I certainly didn’t ...
Electrical Safety Tips When Using Space Heaters
Space heaters, those little powerhouses that can provide so much comfort and warmth on a cold night,...
Ask a Local Electrician: Do I Have Enough Power for a Big Appliance?
If you're in the market for a big, new appliance, you're spot-on in wondering if you have enough pow...
Tips from a Local Electrician: Solutions for Static Electricity
There's nothing we love more at Experts In Your Home than a teaching moment. When a local electricia...
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Why is PG&E Telling Me I Need to Find a Local Electrician?
Electricity is one of those things that society has started to take for granted. It’s always there w...
Protect Your Home: Electrical Safety Benefits of AFCI Outlets
It's one of those electrical terms that just sounds like it portends trouble: an arc fault. And in t...
How to Practice Electrical Safety Around the Swimming Pool
School may be starting soon, but there are still plenty of warm days to spend time in the swimming p...
What a Local Electrician Looks for to Make Sure Your Panel is Safe
Every time you flip on a light, turn on a computer or plug in your cell phone, you are sending a mes...