Keeping Your House Clean with Dogs

By Home Services Expert

mother and son playing with dogLike many pet owners, you probably take enormous pride in your four-legged companion. But still: You probably won't swell with pride if a neighbor knocks on your door and says that he or she “can't wait” to meet your dog when you haven't even introduced the two yet.

Your neighbor is no mind reader; he or she just has a reliable “sniffer” – a nose for the pet odors that are streaming from your otherwise home, sweet-smelling home.

Every once in a while, the Experts in Your Home team visits a home where you'd never know a dog or puppy is part of the family – unless the little guy (or gal) comes barreling into the room. These homeowners have developed some housekeeping habits to keep their homes looking, and smelling, sparkling clean. These eight habits are worth sharing because some homeowners are the masters – in more ways than one.

Tips for Keeping Your House Clean with Dogs

Sweet Tip No. 1: Brush your dog every day.

Even a few quick strokes with a brush will go a long way toward reducing the amount of fur and skin particles your dog will eventually shed and send flying throughout your home. A brush will collect the fur – all while distributing natural oils and reducing flakiness in your dog's coat, too.

Sweet Tip No. 2: Bathe your dog at least once a month.

Depending on his breed, your dog may need two baths a month to keep him smelling clean and to keep fleas at bay without drying out his skin.

Sweet Tip No. 3: Stop dirt in its tracks by wiping your dog's paws at the door.

Dogs probably enjoy having their paws touched as much as their owner enjoys having to stoop over to wipe them clean. It's the easiest habit of all to let slide. So wouldn't it be sweet to train your dog to step into a shallow bowl of room temperature water to loosen dirt and then step on his own “paw print mat” before he rejoins the fun inside? With a treat as an incentive, he might adopt this habit easier than you think.

Sweet Tip No. 4: Install vinyl or another inexpensive, easy-to-clean tile at the entryway your dog uses most.

Don't wait for your dog to smear mud – or what you hope is only mud – on your expensive carpet or fine tile. Experts in Your Home can help you with this worthwhile project.

Sweet Tip No. 5: Steer your dog toward area rugs.

Or work in reverse by sliding an area rug under his favorite resting spot. Either way, an area rug is simple enough to toss in the washer and then dry. Rotate several rugs to enhance your efficiency.

Sweet Tip No. 6: Become an avowed daily sweeper and regular vacuumer.

Use a dry mop or a dry mop followed by a damp mop on tile and hard-wood floors and a vacuum cleaner on carpets. Remember it's not just visible fur you're after; it's all the dust and tiny airborne particles you want to rid your home of, too, before they spread on their own and through human contact.

Sweet Tip No. 7: Emphasize baking soda in your odor-fighting routine.

It's as safe as it is effective, and the longer it sets, the better it absorbs. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets and upholstery and vacuum it to leave a fresh scent behind.

Sweet Tip No. 8: Clean up accidents promptly.

You probably do this anyway, but your children may be hesitant to “call out” a pet on behavior that may land him in...the doghouse. No matter from which end an accident spews, blot up a wet mess with a paper towel. Rinse the spot thoroughly with water and let it dry before following up with baking soda.

Try these sweet tips before you make a surprise introduction between your dog and a new neighbor. Then be sure to fill in Experts in Your Home to share how it feels to be the master of your pet -- and a sweet-smelling home.

Get Help from Our Home Cleaning Service

If you need help with keeping things clean, our home cleaning service can handle it all and free up time for you to do the other things your busy life requires. Contact us today for a quote!


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