6 Must-Do Tasks Before Moving Into Your New Home

By Home Services Expert

moving boxes in new homeEveryone, it seems, has “a million” things to do when they move into a new home.

That's some to-do list to tackle, and you're bound to need a hand. There are six tasks that should rise to the top of your list – and Experts in Your Home can help you accomplish each one before the movers unload even the first box in your new home:

Task 1: Changing the Locks

Why you'll be glad you did it: Even if you know the people whose home you're moving into, this tasks goes well beyond trust: Who knows how many keys that open your home's locks are in circulation? (It's plausible that real estate agents, maintenance crews, babysitters, dog walkers, tutors and others could have a key to your new home right now, in their pocket.) Keys fall into the wrong hands all the time, so asking the Experts to change the locks should ensure your safety, give you peace of mind and also provide an aesthetic update. In addition to the front and back doors, the Experts will secure the windows, too.

Task 2: Painting the Walls, Ceilings and Trim

Why you'll be glad you did it: Unless you've purchased a newly constructed home, there is no better time to paint than before you move in: rooms are empty, so there is no wall décor to remove, no furniture to move around and no closets to clear out. Plus, paint is an instant energizer – making a room feel clean and refreshed. If you're hard-pressed to find “the perfect” color for every room, go neutral. The Experts can always return at a later date and, if you like, paint the dominant wall a bolder color. It's one of our favorite ways to make a visual statement.

Task 3: Installing Closet Organizers

Why you'll be glad you did it: Here's a project that tops many homeowners' wish lists. The Experts hear about it all the time. Unfortunately, it's one project that many homeowners delay because the prospect of moving all their “stuff” in, out and around a closet quashes their enthusiasm. So then the project rarely gets done. Take advantage of all that empty space and install organizers everywhere you can: bedroom, bathroom, laundry room and hall closets. And if you need help visualizing the options, remember that people don't call us the Experts for nothing.

Task 4: Cleaning the House from Top to Bottom

Why you'll be glad you did it: When the Experts say “cleaning,” we mean “thoroughly cleaning,” as in going beyond basic dusting and vacuuming to washing the windows, shining the floors, scouring the bathrooms and kitchen, scrubbing cabinets and counters and cleaning the carpets. True, you'll have to ask the movers to lay plastic on the floors before they start bringing your furniture indoors, but it's ideal to clean an empty house. Plus – and this is a key incentive for many people – you can remove traces of the previous owners, too.

Task 5: Scheduling an HVAC System Tuneup

Why you'll be glad you did it: In the fall, the Experts usually tune up the furnace. And in the spring, we service the air conditioner. But when people move into a new home, we like to clean and inspect the entire HVAC system – even if a home inspector gave the system a green light. The health, safety and well-being of your family depend so much on this vital system, every day.

Task 6: Making Electrical Updates or Improvements

Why you'll be glad you did it: There's nothing like an empty room to make dirty, discolored or damaged switch plate covers and cover plates stand out. While these updates may be mostly cosmetic, now is also a good time to ensure that your home has ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets in the bathrooms, kitchen, and other rooms in which there is water. And before you settle in, knowing how the electrical panel is organized is a good idea, too, so you know exactly how to trip a breaker, if need be.

Once we're done with this list, Experts in Your Home can help whittle down that longer to-do list with “a million” different projects. And we're confident: you'll be glad you made this move, too.


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