How Do I Run a Water Line to My New Fridge?

By Home Services Expert

fridgePurchasing new appliances during the holiday season is the way to go when you want to get the best deals. That new fridge you’ve been eyeing is finally on sale and you can purchase it without regret knowing you got the best price.  

After setting up all the delivery details you patiently wait for your new fridge at home. Picture this, your new fridge is being delivered and you’ve had the movers place it near the spot your old fridge occupied. You begin to hook up all the cables so you can put the food you took out of your old fridge into your new one. Then you run into a little bit of a problem. Your old fridge didn’t have a water filter on it; therefore, you aren’t sure if you have a water line or if you need to purchase a new one.

Before calling a plumber, it might be best to read through this seven-step guide on how to run and install a water line to your new fridge. Step one gives you a pep talk to psych yourself up for the project you didn’t know you were going to have to accomplish. Step two talks about if you already have a water supply pipe available and what to do if you don't. Step three instructs you of what's needed. Steps four through seven finish up with how to connect everything.

Go forth and learn about all the inner workings of water lines to fridges, then come back here to answer one last question. 


How to Install a Water Line for a Refrigerator

Written by Aaron Stickley

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1. Installing a Refrigerator Water Line Is Easy

Running a water line to a refrigerator to supply its ice maker and drinking water dispenser has never been easier. At one time, this was typically done with 1/4-inch bendable copper tubing that was snaked from the refrigerator to the nearest source of water and tapped into the water line using a saddle valve or other fitting. Now, there are convenient 1/4-inch flexible water supply tubes in lengths from 1 to 20 feet that can be used, and convenient "Adapt-a-Tee" fittings that can be installed pretty much anywhere there is an existing shutoff valve. 

In most cases, the water line can be run from a kitchen faucet water supply line through the kitchen cabinets and over to the refrigerator. If running the line through the cabinets is not feasible, you might need to run a line through the floor and up to where the refrigerator is located.

Flex water supply tubes are available in either a tough plastic nylon mesh or braided steel. Although the braided steel is considerably more expensive, the extra strength it provides is well worth the investment. It can be very inconvenient to move a refrigerator to get at a water line that has failed, so buy the best-quality water supply tube you can.

Tools and Materials You Will Need:


[Click to continue reading for materials and the important Steps 2 or 3!]


DIY or Hire Out?

If you’ve read the entire process and haven’t completed the task yet, then you have a decision to make. Do you want to go out and purchase the necessary tools or parts you need to complete the project or call up a local plumber and have them do the job for you?

Deciding to do it yourself? We wish you the best of luck! Here are a few other resources you can use to make sure you connect everything correctly.

Want to hire someone to come complete the task for you? We can help! Experts in Your Home can help with all your plumbing needs. Just give us a call at our Chico location (530) 924-5564 or fill out the form by clicking on the button below.

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