Experts In Your Home Blog
Tips from a Local Electrician Before the Storm Hits
We've probably all seen or heard news footage from people along the East Coast or Gulf Coast, prepar...
Electrical Safety Tips When Using a Portable Generator
Sometimes, you can almost hear the collective sighs of relief throughout Northern California when th...
Electrical Safety Tips to Prevent and Prepare for Wildfires
Wildfires are always a huge risk in Northern California, especially this fire season in the midst of...
Why is My Light Buzzing & Does it Require an Electrical Repair?
We can trace the path of electricity from faraway transformers to the lamp that sits on a family roo...
Prepare for a Power Outage: What to Include in an Electrical Safety Kit
If Mother Nature has taught us anything, it's that she's fickle and unpredictable. Of course, many p...
Tips from a Local Electrician: Pros & Cons of Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Scientists are trained at an early age to understand that their discoveries and inventions are merel...
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Pros & Cons of Doing Your Own Electrical Repair
Doing electrical repair is a source of pride for many people. They love not having to call a local e...
8 Basic Electrical Safety Tips Every Homeowner Should Know
My father is a master electrician. That doesn’t really mean much on the surface, I certainly didn’t ...
Electrical Safety Tips When Using Space Heaters
Space heaters, those little powerhouses that can provide so much comfort and warmth on a cold night,...
Ask a Local Electrician: Do I Have Enough Power for a Big Appliance?
If you're in the market for a big, new appliance, you're spot-on in wondering if you have enough pow...