When is Hiring an Electrician Absolutely Necessary?

By Home Services Expert

electrical_wiring_in_homeLike the best teachers, the home maintenance and repair experts at Experts In Your Home believe that there is no such thing as a “bad” or “dumb” question.

Questions lead to information that breed knowledge, competency and skill among homeowners who are eager to tackle projects on their own. This is why Experts electricians in particular “light up” when a customer's home takes the form of a classroom and they explain the process by which they hang a ceiling fan, install a new outlet or fix a faulty breaker.

The one and only comment that Experts electricians do not like hearing at the conclusion of a visit is, “I appreciate your help, but maybe there will come a day when calling you isn't absolutely necessary.”

Well, maybe yes. But then again, maybe no.

Follow your good instincts

In our 60-plus years of experience, we've noticed repeatedly that some issue, some concern or some question led a customer to call us rather than try to tackle an electrical job on their own. Maybe it was a natural instinct or a gut feeling, but whatever the motivation, it was a good one.

Electrical work requires a great deal of skill – and years of schooling, training and on-the-job experience before someone is issued a state license. In anyone's hands, electricity can be complex and dangerous. In unskilled and inexperienced hands, electrical work can lead to equipment damage, personal injury and fire.

While Experts In Your Home applauds and encourages the DIY spirit – and has published many how-to articles on electrical projects – we believe it is absolutely necessary to hire an electrician if you answer an honest “no” to any of the following questions:

Shed honest light on your proficiency

  • Do I understand the steps involved in performing this electrical task, from start to finish?
  • Do I know how to execute the steps?
  • Can I accurately forecast what could go wrong in the course of completing this task successfully?
  • Can I mitigate any unforeseen problems? This is no trick question, but keep in mind that Experts electricians have come to the aid of many homeowners who found themselves in the middle of a task-gone-bad and wisely reached out for help.
  • Do I have the proper tools to complete this electrical task? Many homeowners are adept at wielding screwdrivers, scissors and electrical tape, and many more learn how to use wire strippers. But ohmmeters, oscilloscopes and volt meters can pose greater challenges.
  • Do I understand local electrical codes and the rules and procedures established by the National Electrical Code?
  • Do I have enough time to complete this electrical task? This is no trick question, either. Nor is it a Catch-22 question. In other words, if you've never done a particular task, how would you know how long it takes? Just remember that some electrical projects (and especially wiring for a room addition or remodeling project) can be done in phases or suspended mid-stream. Many others can pose safety hazards if they are abandoned or put on hold.
  • Do I enjoy doing electrical work? No small factor, enjoyment often is linked to tenacity, resourcefulness, conscientiousness and problem-solving – skills that both novice and licensed electricians need in abundance.

We understand that the quest to save money motivates many people to undertake DIY tasks, electrical and otherwise. But with your best interests and safety at heart, Experts In Your Home hopes that you will balance that quest against any uncertainty, fear or worry you might have about tackling an electrical task on your own. This is when it's absolutely necessary to call or contact us online – and our electricians will be there for you every time.

For a list of electrical jobs you should never do yourself, download this FREE Guide:


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