Stay Comfortable with Expert AC Service & Repair

By Home Services Expert

woman trying to cool offMeet Jack and Jill, a hypothetical couple we know you can relate to. Jack and Jill work hard to make their home comfortable and inviting, but dread the summer months when they know their air conditioning bill will significantly increase. Just the other day Jill arrived home after a long day at work, tired from the night before because the upstairs of her house just wouldn't cool off enough to let her sleep well. As she walked through the door she was hit with a wall of hot air. Why wasn't the air conditioning working? She threw down the mail on the coffee table and said out loud, "Didn't Jack say he was going to fix the air conditioner? We need an air conditioning servicing and repair company!" As the words came out, Jack walked through the door, sensing Jill's obvious frustration and feeling the heat from both her and the bum air conditioner. As Jack picked up the mail on the table, he saw the coupon book for Experts in Your Home. "Experts in our home -- that's exactly what we need for our air conditioning servicing and repair," Jack said. "I'm calling first thing in the morning."

Like Jack and Jill you may be experiencing a less-than-efficient air conditioner and need an air conditioning servicing and repair company. Rising outside temperatures, the sound of windows sliding shut and the gentle buzz of air conditioners switching on are all indications that the warm, summer months are upon us. Do you know if your air conditioner is ready to work hard for the next few hot months? Let Experts In Your Home do your air conditioning servicing and repair in Chico.

Experts In Your Home offers a complete tune-up for air conditioning servicing and repair to help prevent a costly breakdown as well as increase the life of your air conditioner. Having an annual air conditioning service tune up can double the life of your air conditioner and ultimately save you thousands of dollars. The experienced local Chico technicians at Experts In Your Home care about you and your family. Your comfort is our ultimate goal. That's why we not only pride ourselves on quality customer service, but also on educating you about air conditioning servicing and repair. For example, did you know it's important to change your air filters once a month? Or that HVAC stands for "heating ventilation and air conditioning" and is responsible for controlling the air temperature, humidity and air quality in your home? The good news is, you don't know have to know this stuff, but we keep ourselves up to date with all the ins and outs of air conditioning servicing and repair because we know it's important to you keep you and your family comfortable. In fact, in most cases we can offer same day, speedy service, especially during the hottest days of the year!

So don't end up frustrated like Jack and Jill. Instead, just call our Chico Air Conditioning Experts or request a quote below today!

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