An iced up air conditioner is an issue that needs to be dealt with promptly. In addition to not doing its job of blowing cold air it might be a sign of a problem with the system. Before you call an air conditioner repair technician there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue and remove ice from your unit.
What Causes Icing?
There are a few things that can cause ice to form in and on the system. Some of these are listed below:
- System needs refrigerant, probably due to a leak
- Dirty evaporator coil
- Filter(s) that are dirty
- System is clogged in some manner
- Valves that are broken or damaged
- Fan or fan motor issues
- Poor airflow in the system
- Vents and registers closed off
- Running the unit when it's cooler than 65 degrees outside
- Issues with the thermostat
- Unit's drainage system is blocked
Some of the icing issues are not very serious and can be easily handled, which means you can be your own air conditioner repair person. Other issues such as needing refrigerant, is a task than can and should only be performed by a trained technician.
Getting Rid of the Ice
It's a relatively easy thing to get rid of the ice. You just have to turn off the unit and let it defrost. You can also leave the unit on and run just the fan to help melt the ice. At any rate you will have to let the ice melt before troubleshooting the system.
The Ice is Gone...Now What?
There are several things you can do to help out with your air conditioner repair before you need to call a service company. A few are listed below:
- Check the filter. It should be changed as often as necessary but at least once every three months and possibly more.
- Clean the cooling fins and the fan blades on the outside unit. You can use medium water pressure from a hose to clean the outside unit.
- Trim grass and bushes from around the outside unit. Let it breathe.
- Debris can clog up the outdoor part of the system. Make sure you remove leaves and objects from in and around the system.
- Cleaning the inside unit is a bit of a challenge. Use a low pressure air line or a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt from the fins and coils. Use a flashlight to check the fins. If light passes through the fins they are clean.
- Check your duct work. You may need to open closed vents or registers. There is even a chance your ducts may need to be cleaned.
The DIY air conditioner repair steps listed above are things any homeowner can do to check out their system. These troubleshooting tips should go a long way into helping you figure out why your system iced up in the first place.
When it comes to air conditioner repair removing ice from your system is easily a DIY job. Keep a close watch on your unit, both inside and outside, after de-icing to see if the problem occurs again. If it does you will probably need to get help, but you will have the peace of mind knowing you did all you could to solve the problem before having to spend money on a repair.
If your air conditioner unit continues to freeze up after de-icing and troubleshooting then you will need to call a competent air conditioner repair company. Your problem may be larger than you can handle. Call our expert Chico air conditioner repair technicians today, we serve Chico, CA & surrounding areas and are here to help.
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