Be Prepared for an Extended Heating System Repair in a Power Outage

By Home Services Expert

young_girl_reading_under_blanket_with_flashlightWhen you're shivering cold, the last thing you probably want to hear is, “Think warm thoughts.” Wishful thinking just doesn't cut it, especially if you're faced with an extended heating system repair during a power outage.

If you’re in the throes of a power outage, you might not be able to get your heating system repaired as quickly as normal, especially if many other customers need help, too.


It's impossible to forecast when a heating system repair and power outage will converge in your life. But you can take some time now to prepare for worst-case scenarios by knowing how to stay warm and gathering important supplies, especially if your heating system repair extends through a chilly overnight.


Stay warm


Seal and insulate your home without delay


You might feel a bit chilly during an extended heating system repair, and drafts from windows and doors will only compound your discomfort. For help with sealing and insulating, refer to the article: Heating System Service Tips for Plugging Leaks & Insulating Your Home.


Capitalize on the warmth of the sun


Open your window treatments during the day to let the sun in and close them at night to keep the heat in.


Sensibly “insulate” yourself


You'll stay warmer by wearing several layers of thin clothing rather than one oppressively heavy layer. Don't forget socks, gloves and hats to keep your feet, hands and head warm.


Prep your backup heating source

You may rediscover your wood-burning fireplace during an extended heating system repair. If you don't have a supply of firewood, order it now.


Organize groupings of candles


Don't underestimate the warmth produced by candles, especially if you place small groupings in strategic locations (including your kitchen; see next tip). A side benefit: candles also will provide light during a power outage.


Unleash your inner chef


You should never use your oven as a heating source, but it can emit valuable warmth while your heating system is being repaired. Gather those baking recipes you've been saving for “a rainy day”; a heating system repair probably qualifies.


Since your coffee maker won't be working during a power outage, purchase some instant coffee or buy some instant hot chocolate you can prepare on the stove.


Gather throw rugs


You can use them to cover tile and other “bare” floors.


Gather supplies


The American Red Cross recommends that all families assemble what it calls a “basic survival kit” with supplies that will last three days (even if a power outage doesn't last that long). Place these items in a large duffel bag and stow it within easy reach – in your laundry room or garage – so that it's there when you need it. You'll be glad you did:


  • A basic first aid kit
  • Two flashlights, including extra batteries
  • Candles, along with matches or lighters
  • Bottled water
  • Non-perishable food and snacks
  • A manual can opener
  • An extra set of clothes and durable shoes
  • Blankets
  • A battery-powered radio and extra batteries
  • Personal hygiene items, such as moist hand wipes, soap, and toilet paper


While you're at it, program Experts In Your Home's phone number into your cell phone (if it's not there already): 530-924-5564. Preparing for an extended heating system repair and power outage will fortify your confidence now – not to mention reduce your anxiety later.


Experts In Your Home will be there to help see you through the darkest moments because we are experts in your home.



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