Tips to Make Your Home Remodeling Project a Good Experience

By Home Services Expert

successful home remodeling projectIf the thought of a home remodeling project makes you cringe just a bit, you’re not alone. While it can be an exciting proposition and fun to dream about, putting the “hammer to the nail” so to speak in a home remodeling project can be stressful to say the least.

Whether your stress involves the question of how to “live” with a remodel going on (or if a move out is required) or how to deal with a remodel around kids, there are legitimate concerns you likely have. At the same time, a home remodeling project is exciting and a great opportunity to create your dream living space.


According to, Here are some tips for a successful home remodel:


Have a Budget

“Knowing your budget—and sticking to it—is one of the most important parts of renovation planning. Remember to add in a contingency fund for any unexpected costs—and expect to use it—as well as incidental costs like the cost of eating out for a kitchen reno, or even taking a hotel for a night or two.”


Consult the Calendar

“If you're hoping for a brand new home for a particular event or holiday, make sure you look at your end date and work your way backward. Be sure to pencil in a few weeks to a month at the end for wiggle-room in case there are delays on the way to avoid disappointment.”


Do Your Research

“Take the time to chat with friends, family, and neighbors about the renovation work they have done, and the challenges they have faced during the process. Having a wealth of information from homeowners who have been in your shoes can be invaluable in the planning process, and this information may alter your end plan.”


Consider Your Routine

“If you're an experienced DIYer, you are likely good at working around the disruptions of a house remodel. However, if you've hired a contractor for any part of the job, be sure to be clear about your daily routine, and work with the contractor to come up with start and end times that cause the least disruption in your family's day. After all, no one wants to encounter tradespeople while you're still in your bathrobe.”


Protect the Kids

“A house remodel is a perfect way to get the kids involved in DIY, but for very little ones it can be dangerous too. Be sure to install child safety gates, electrical safety covers and store sharp tools well out of the way of curious tots, especially on off-hours where there may not be adequate supervision in the remodel zone.”


Plan For Outages

“If your home is lacking plumbing shut-off valves in the area you are working on, you may have to shut the water off at the main valve, leaving your home without access to running water. Plan ahead and place containers of water in the fridge for drinking, on the counter for cooking and have buckets of water available to flush the toilet. An easy way to do this is to fill the bathtub with water and place a bucket nearby to pour into the toilet bowl.”


Plan a Reno-Free Zone

“Before starting all the mess of a remodel, it's a good plan to designate a renovation-free zone for your family to gather in semi-relaxation. Make sure you have everything you need in one place, such as a kettle or microwave, so you have one functional space to gather, eat or just unwind at the end of the day.”

To see the full list of tips for planning a successful remodel visit


We're Here to Help

These are just a few tips to make your home remodel a good experience. If you would like help, you can start with a free consultation from the home remodeling contractors at Experts In Your Home. We’re always here to help you – from initial plans to fully managing the remodel for you! Give us a call today or contact us online.

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