If you've ever been in a position of having to decide whether it's time to repair or replace an older-model car, you'll recognize some similarities in this process. You have to find a trustworthy air conditioning company to assess your air conditioning system, explain the diagnosis, provide options and answer your questions.
Some people face a different type of sticker shock when they learn they need neither a costly air conditioner repair nor a new air conditioning system – only a minor repair or adjustment. Often misled by a previous, unscrupulous contractor, these people discover their air conditioner broke down because the filter was choked with dust or that overgrown weeds had tangled the coils on their outdoor unit. Imagine their surprise when they learn that instead of facing a costly air conditioner repair or replacement bill, all they had to do was get an annual tune-up, run to the hardware store and purchase a new filter or pair of gardening clippers.
Some people are resigned to purchasing a new air conditioning system because they are at at their wits' end by their home not cooling down properly or a room or rooms not cooling down at all. They are interested in a bid for a new system to uncover other culprits. The two most common ones: leaky ducts and a lack of insulation. Fixing these types of problems costs more than a filter or pair of clippers but also considerably less than purchasing a new air conditioning system.
An expert air conditioning technician should do a thorough inspection to understand the full extent of the problem. While it would be nice if every consultation ended with a simple behest to change the filter, unfortunately, this isn't the case. So if you're facing a costly air conditioner repair, an expert technician will lead you through a series of factors and considerations so that you can make an educated decision that is in your best interests.
Of course, no two homes or situations are alike, so let Experts In Your Home investigate yours – with the personal touch and honest approach we've staked our reputation on during our nearly 70 years in business in Northern California. We serve Chico, CA & surrounding areas, and are here to help.