Experts In Your Home Blog

How to Get the Most Out of Your HVAC System this Fall Season

Written by Home Services Expert | Feb 12, 2013 5:00:00 AM

The leaves beginning to change color and the days starting to become shorter are signs that the fall season is here. The cooler outside temperatures remind us that we’ll be turning on our HVAC system soon to warm up the chilly mornings and evenings. Before you find yourself putting on an extra sweatshirt and digging in the closet for your bunny slippers, let Experts In Your Home help your HVAC system run efficiently.

Here are our recommendations for keeping your home warm and your HVAC system efficient:

1. Schedule an expert technician from Experts In Your Home to come inspect your HVAC ducts and heating equipment to be sure it’s in good shape. A system tune-up can help increase longevity of your system and help prevent breakdowns.

2. Stick a Post-It on your refrigerator or near your thermostat, creating a reminder for yourself to clean or change your HVAC filters each month.

3. Have an expert from Experts In Your Home survey the outside components of your HVAC system to determine if any repairs are needed.

4. If you have both a fireplace and an HVAC system, try not using both at the same time to heat your home.

5. Seal any air leaks around windows and doors, and in the attic where heat may be escaping, so your HVAC system won’t have to work so hard for nothing!

6. If you don’t have one, let Experts In Your Home install a programmable thermostat to control the temperature for different times of the day. That way you can turn it down while you’re snuggled under the covers at night, but have it programmed to warm up the house before you get out of bed in the morning.

7. Set the HVAC thermostat at 68 degrees or lower. According to PG&E,3 percent to 5 percent more energy is used for each degree the furnace is set above 68 degrees.

If you have an older HVAC system that is coming to the end of its lifespan, the expert technicians at Experts In Your Home can even install an energy efficient system for you. A new energy efficient HVAC system will offer better performance and use less electricity, ultimately giving you a comfortable home temperature at an affordable cost. You don’t want to wait until something malfunctions and you’re stuck with your gloves and beanie cap on and can see your breath while you talk.

Contact Experts In Your Home to service your HVAC system today!