And shhhh: the best time to do this is right before bedtime, when everyone presumably will be wrapped in a warm blanket anyway.
If you can keep this one adjustment intact for eight hours, and make this adjustment consistently, you can save about 1 percent on your heating bill over the course of a year. One degree roughly equals a savings of about 1 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. This may not sound like a lot, but you can easily compound the savings. If you can consistently turn down your thermostat by 10 degrees for at least eight hours at a time – such as when everybody is at work or at school during the day – you can save about 10 percent a year on your heating bill.
Now you're getting somewhere, and now you're not far away from making this one little tweak a permanent reality in your home in the form of a programmable thermostat, which allows you to set the temperature in your home ahead of time. But not to worry: if someone's schedule changes and they prefer not to hole up at home under a mountain of blankets, you can override the programmable thermostat setting with a few touches of the program button. It's that easy.
If modifying the temperature in your home to give your heating system a break sounds like basic common sense, you're going to absolutely love the other ideas Experts In Your Home has to help you reduce your heating bills and still remain warm – beyond the most basic advice of all: put on a sweater and a pair of thermal socks. Most of our ideas require a little time, and all require a little effort. But they all will add up to real energy savings. They include:
They're not “adjustments,” per se, but it bears repeating that two of the simplest steps you can take to give your heating system a break, keep your furnace running smoothly and ensure that your energy bills remain manageable is to check your furnace filter once a month – and replace it if you can no longer see through it while holding it up to a light – and schedule an annual furnace maintenance check with Experts In Your Home.