Water leaks are the most obvious sign that the recent rains have permeated the most important part of their home's outer “envelope”: the roof. (The other components include the attic, doors, windows, exterior walls and subfloor.) But water leaks are not the only sign.
Learn how to conduct a quick roof inspection to learn if water has compromised your home. The results could be catastrophic if you don't – damaging far more than your roof and attic. In this case, you'll need more than nerves of steel; you'll need Experts in Your Home to help you repair the damage.
Go up to your attic and see if:
Now do a visual roof inspection. But instead of risking the dangerous task of climbing onto the roof, survey it from an adjacent second-floor window or view it from the ground floor with a pair of binoculars. These signs also point up water damage:
If you cannot get a good view of your roof – or worse, suspect you have found evidence of a roof leak – call the roofing professionals at Experts in Your Home. We will do a comprehensive roof inspection, which many insurance companies recommend be done once a year anyway.
This measure may seem overly cautious, but an impartial third party, BankRate, explains their point of view: “To a home insurance company, the roof is the most important part of your house because it's the gateway to far greater damage claims once it's breached.”
Those claims can easily reach into the five-figure range. And it would be a mistake to assume that a homeowner's insurance policy would cover all of these losses. As many Chico area homeowners have learned, insurers can refuse to pay a claim if it can show that a homeowner ignored signs of a leak or failed to have it repaired.
Insurers know: roof leaks can lead to far more than a troublesome puddle on the floor. In fact, a leaky roof can trigger six catastrophic results:
Experts in Your Home doesn't care for scare tactics. On the other hand, the possibility of a roof leak is one of the scariest problems any homeowner can face. And if scheduling a roof inspection spares our customers financial and emotional anxiety, that's one “reality” ending we'd like to create.