Membership requires that you kindly ask visitors to your home to place their dirty shoes at the door. As a good host, you provide a small area rug for guest to line up their shoes and slide them back on as they leave your home.
Parents of infants and toddlers – who crawl around on the floor and regularly put their fingers into their mouths – tend to make few if any apologies for being a member of the club. It's the rest of us who might feel a little reticent about asking grownups to remove their shoes before entering our home. After all, what if they resist? What if you unwittingly embarrass them because they have holes in their socks?
Take it from longtime members of the club: visitors to your home will quickly adopt to your policy. And, when they visit, they can either bring a pair of slippers or you (like a Realtor staging an open house) can offer a pair of socks or slippers as a courtesy.
It's worth the minor inconvenience because asking people to remove their shoes immediately cuts off a dirt source that can spread everything from grime and pollen to grease and insects onto your carpet and around your home.
Take it from our carpet experts, who have seen it time and again: clean carpets hold up and last a lot longer than carpets that are neglected. In addition to joining the Remove Your Shoes at the Door Club, you can take four other steps to keep your carpet clean and looking its best all year long.
Eliminate the hassle and uncertainty of DIY cleaning methods and call Experts for carpet cleaning. Rental treatments often run the risk of leaving a soapy residue on your carpet that ironically attracts more dirt. Our cleaning experts move furniture, pretreat stains and safely deep-clean – not just surface-clean – your carpet to remove dirt, residue and allergens.
Contact us for a free carpet cleaning quote today.
If you're not a member of the Remove Your Shoes at the Door Club, you'll sign up once you see how Experts In Your Home can restore the fresh look and soft feel of your carpet.