Unplug appliances and electronics. Did you know that TVs, computers and kitchen appliances, as well as cell phone and laptop chargers, all use energy when they are plugged in—even if they are turned off? One of the fastest ways to be energy efficient is simply to unplug when you are not using stuff!
Use power strips. "Smart" power strips automatically turn off when electronics are off or when one main unit (like your personal computer) is powered down. So if the first tip seems daunting or irritating, switch up to power strips and you won't have to remember to unplug.
Turn off lights. When you're not in the room or not in the house, there's no need for all the lights to be on. If you figure out how to train your children to turn off lights and be energy efficient, please send me your suggestions!
Clean and replace your furnace or air conditioner filters. Dirty filters block air flow, increase energy bills and shorten equipment life. A simple switch of a filter can save you money and help you breathe better. Who wouldn't want that?
Learn to use the sun to help you be energy efficient. In the warmer months, keep the shades and blinds down on south, east and west facing windows. In the colder months, open them up and let the sun in.
Activate "sleep" features on your computer and office equipment. When they go unused for a long period of time, they power down.
In the colder months lower the thermostat. Choose to wear a sweater around the house and put an extra blanket on the bed at night.
In the warmer months use fans instead of air conditioning when possible or combine their use to turn down the air temperature a bit while still being energy efficient.
Close vents and doors to unused rooms. Why heat and cool the guest bedroom when there are no guests?
Wash your laundry with cold water. It's just as effective for getting your clothes clean, and it helps you be energy efficient.
Check with the Alliance to Save Energy at http://www.ase.org/ for more money and energy saving tips.