Home Tips: Make These Five Moves to De-Stress Your Next Move

[fa icon="calendar"] August 05, 2016 / by Home Services Expert

couple_moving_into_home_with_boxesThey don't call it one of life's biggest stressors for nothing.

Moving to a new house is an all-consuming process (some would call it an ordeal) for months beforehand and weeks afterward. A thorough home inspection and a walk-through right before your closing should have set your expectations accordingly. But since it's rare for anybody to move out of one home and directly (and completely) into another home on the same day, carve out a window of time to tend to these five issues either right before you move into your new home or just as soon as you do.

These five home tips won't eliminate the stress of your move. But based on the experience of Experts In Your Home, they will instill you with some peace of mind when you need it most:

5 Home Tips to De-Stress Your Move:

  • Ensure That You Have Contacted All Your Service Providers 

    It's never too soon to get a jump on contacting your gas, electric, water, garbage and sewer, telephone, cable and Internet providers. With closings often dictating the course of events, the last thing you want – coming or going – is to be in a home that lacks electricity or gas service. You also don't want to continue paying for service in a home you're no longer living in. Keep good notes of disconnect and connection dates; they can quickly become a blur if you're not organized.
  • Change the Locks on Your New Home

    This precaution in no way impugns the integrity of your home's sellers. They probably are fine, upstanding people. But when you think about it, you really have no idea who may have pocketed a key to your home over the course of the previous ownership. Don't take chances with your safety. You can change the locks yourself or call Experts In Your Home. We'll also be happy to conduct a safety inspection of your doors and windows and make recommendations that may not have been addressed on your home inspection report.
  • Locate the Circuit Breaker Box and Main Water Valve

    We'll spare you the horror stories we have encountered over the years, but suffice it to say that you don't want to encounter an electrical outage or a plumbing emergency on your first night (or two) in your new home without knowing exactly where to go to the source of the problem. Your home inspector should have provided you with a summation of the condition of your circuit breaker box. Every switch should be labeled clearly and legibly. If not, call us without delay and one of our licensed electricians will transform your box, the Experts In Your Home way. Similarly, if you cannot locate the water valve – it could be inside or outside your home – call us and we'll find it for you.
  • Check the Plumbing

    This should ideally be done before you move in and run the risk of inadvertently covering any leaks. Plumbing is another issue that should have been addressed during your inspection, but Experts In Your Home has encountered many “repairs” that reflect the handiwork of an inventive child. Check the area around every faucet, sink, shower, tub and toilet. If you see any moist or discolored areas, call Experts In Your Home and we'll dispatch a plumber in due haste. Leaks require repairs, and sooner is better than later before damage intensifies.
  • Make an Appointment to Have Your Home Professionally Cleaned

    No matter how good your home may have looked during the walk-through, seeing it without furniture and boxes can provide an entirely new perspective. And the horror stories? Experts In Your Home has encountered most of them in the far reaches of cabinets – and not just with dust, dirt and grime but with (yes) animal droppings. Experts In Your Home can professionally clean your new home from top to bottom, including the carpets.

No matter what you find or what you encounter in your new home, Experts In Your Home can help lower your stress level. Our full-service repair and maintenance team members are “experts in your home” – and we like to think of them as de-stressing experts, too. Contact us today for a moving inspection.

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